【参】IR Information






The Group's compliance policy is to act with fairness and transparency, placing the highest priority on compliance.

We have compiled a booklet entitled Corporate Code of Ethics that outlines the compliance standards of behavior we expect our employees to observe. We distribute this booklet to all employees and ensure employees are well-informed through education and training programs.

Corporate Code of Ethics[PDF 1,112KB] 

Corporate Code of Ethics eBook Edition

 *Japanese only

Compliance Promotion System



Compliance Committee

The Compliance Committee meets once a month.
The committee consists of the chief financial officer, the general manager of the Human Resources Department, the general manager of the Quality Assurance Department, and other members appointed by the chief financial officer. The chairperson is selected from the members by a resolution of the Board of Directors.
To strengthen the Group’s internal control functions and permanently enhance corporate value, the committee regularly confirms risk management status regarding food safety, compliance, business law, litigation, and disputes, and independently evaluates operational status.

Compliance Supervisor Meeting

The Compliance Supervisor meeting is held twice per year with the executive officer in charge of compliance serving as chair.
This meeting decides compliance policy and action plans. The meeting also reports and verifies matters that the Compliance Committee requests to improve, as well as countermeasures and improvement measures for compliance issues.
The meeting also obtains and shares compliance-related information through training by outside experts.

Compliance Promotion Committee System

Compliance Promotion Committee members are assigned in each Group workplace.
Under an education and training program, the committee members seek to acquire knowledge related to compliance to take the initiative in promoting compliance in the workplace and ensures that all employees are familiar with laws, regulations, and internal rules related to their work.


Compliance Initiatives


A compliance seminar is held once a year to increase group employee awareness of compliance and have employees understand the importance of compliance.
We also offer compliance seminars conducted as necessary by outside experts to managers on industry law and harassment prevention, depending on the role.

Compliance Awareness Survey

A compliance awareness survey is conducted for all Group employees once per year to understand the level of awareness of compliance in each workplace and to receive honest feedback about compliance.
Survey results and employee opinions lead to improvements in the workplace, as they are offered as feedback to all employees, including management. If problems are found, improvements are made and used in compliance action for the next fiscal year.

Internal Reporting System

We have set up an internal consultation hotline (Compliance Office) and an outside consultation hotline (with outside lawyers) to receive consultations and internal reporting on compliance from all Group employees.
The contact information of each hotline is available in the booklet, Corporate Code of Ethics, compliance cards, and the internal portal website.
In addition, we seek to protect potential whistleblowers. Our internal reporting regulations provide for strict confidentiality of the consultation content and prohibition of disadvantageous treatment of the potential whistleblower for reporting or consulting.


With respect to anti-corruption and corrupt practice prevention, our Corporate Code of Ethics requires all officers and employees act with fairness and transparency in dealings with governments and government agencies, fair business transactions, and moderately valued business gifts and entertainment, whether giving or receiving.

Anti-Bribery and Corrupt Practice Prevention Policy (Japanese only)