【参】IR Information



Approach to Human Capital


Basic Policy on Human Resources Development

The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group believes the source of the Company's competitiveness and capacity for growth lies in innovation and the spirit of challenge from employees who contribute diverse perspectives and values.

At the same time, we recognize the growing uncertainty in the labor market caused by declining birthrates, an aging population, and a shrinking workforce. We also understand the importance of fostering environments in which employees work comfortably and grow in a self-directed manner as values and work styles become more diverse.
Given this perspective, our basic policy on human resources development is to respect diversity and diverse values, support individuals in self-directed career development through consistent and challenging assignments, and place long-term human resources development at the center of the Company's operations.


Helping Employees Balance Work and Childcare/Nursing Care

Handbook for Supporting Work and Childcare Balance

We want employees with childcare or nursing care responsibilities to work with peace of mind and express their talents to the fullest. To this end, we offer a variety of work-life balance support systems, including leave and vacation systems, shortened work hour systems, and telecommuting systems to meet a wide range of work styles suited to individual circumstances. We also encourage an awareness and use of these systems through our internal portal site, work-life balance support handbook, and childcare and nursing care consultation service, striving to create environments in which employees are comfortable using these systems.

Nursing care responsibilities often come more suddenly than childcare. We sponsor nursing care seminars and provide information on internal systems and public support to help employees gather information quickly when faced with such a situation.

Helping Employees Balance Work and Childcare
Systems Content
Maternity leave 8 weeks from due date to 8 weeks postpartum
Childcare leave Until the child is one year old
However, up to two years of age if the child cannot enter a licensed daycare, etc.
Shortened work hours for childcare Up to the end of the third grade of elementary school
Family care leave Ten days per year for nursing care of children who have not yet completed elemmentary school
Job return system Re-entry system for female employees who resigned due to marriage, childbirth, childcare, or spouse transfer
Employee Comments Childcare Leave Experience

I realized again how good it is to work in a team

I am glad I took childcare leave. My wife, child, and I spent time together during a difficult phase when our child was just born. The opportunity strengthened our family ties. During my absence, I received a lot of help from my co-workers, which gave me a new appreciation for working as a team. I am also very grateful to all the people at my workplace who sent me off with well wishes.


Action Plan

We formulated an integrated action plan in line with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next-Generation Act) and the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Women's Engagement Act) to achieve the objectives of these laws.

Action Plan Based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Japanese only)


Work-Style Reform

We plan to build out the telework environment further, encouraging and expanding measures supporting male employees in taking childcare leave and engaging in childcare. We intend to provide more information on internal company systems and public support, etc., for nursing care as well, providing various work styles for employees to work with peace of mind and express their talents to the fullest.

To foster work environments for balanced work lives, we endeavor to reduce overtime hours through greater availability of and encouragement to use the flextime system, including a sliding work hour system (staggered work hours for individual employees). We also declare no overtime days.
Our action plan, based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, provides the number of paid vacation days to be taken annually. We encourage employees to take vacation days through a systematic annual paid leave system and other measures.


Human Resources Development

We are committed to human resources development for the growth of each individual and the development of our organization.

The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group develops employees who think, act, and take on challenges independently. This approach supports expanding corporate value and fostering a corporate culture that encourages ambition and praise, as well as offering personal growth through work. In this process, we leverage on-the-job training (OJT), off-the-job training (group training, online training), and self-development support programs.

We provide off-the-job training opportunities for young employees, mid-career employees, and managers by seniority (role recognition and skills acquisition), by topic or issue, and by job description. We also offer voluntary training programs for employees, offering learning opportunities for employees who are highly motivated to develop professionally.

The Group offers a training system for basic behaviors to develop young employees and strengthen their engagement with work, the basis of being a member of society. We also provide on-the-job training for young employees through a mentoring system and other means in collaboration with the individual workplace.

A self-development support program encourages employees to take correspondence and outside courses. We also have a support system for acquiring certifications, which assists employees actively engaged on professional development. In these and other ways, we help employees who want to learn on their own.

Education and Training System


Reskilling Support


The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group supports employees who wish to learn by themselves, providing learning opportunities and reimbursing a portion of course fees.

  1. Outside School
    We provide learning opportunities at the GLOBIS Management School for students to learn anything from business fundamentals to practical business skills.
  2. Correspondence Courses
    We offer correspondence courses in a variety of fields, including business skills, languages, work-related expertise, and certifications.
    We offer a number of different courses, including textbooks and e-learning courses. Each employee chooses the course that is best for their situation.
  3. Support for Obtaining qualifications
    We offer incentives for obtaining qualifications recommended by the Company to help individuals improve skills and work standards.

Female Leadership Training

It will be our people who support the further growth of our group, and we understand the essential nature of our valuable female employees playing an active role in our businesses.
The participation of more women in important roles and responsibilities, as well as their participation in management and business decision-making, will lead to increased corporate competitiveness and corporate value.

We continue to develop female leaders through the active recruitment of female employees, training for female employees, support for work-childcare/work-nursing care balance, the use of remote work, and systems to support ongoing employment (job return system, etc.).

Mentoring System Providing Systematic, Focused, and Continuing Development of New Employees in Every Workplace

We introduced a mentoring system to improve the abilities of new and young employees as quickly as possible so they are ready to contribute as professionals.
Under this system, each new employee is assigned one or more mentors. The mentor(s) act under the guidance of a superior in the role of training "producer" to provide systematic, focused, and continuing training and guidance to new employees in every workplace.

This system allows us to train new employees, from second-year employees to veterans. We will continue to build a solid foundation for human resources development that contributes to the continued growth of the Group. Our goal is to establish a perpetual cycle in which senior employees train junior employees in the workplace.

A New Job Challenge System for More Opportunities to Make a Difference

From a medium- to long-term perspective, we have employees participate in career interviews to set personal goals and a career vision together with their supervisors. We also implement job rotations to eliminate the negative effects of long-term service in the same department.
We introduced and improved the job challenge system, including internal free agents*1 and internal open recruitment*2 to encourage the use of motivated employees and expand opportunities.

*1 A system whereby employees who meet qualification standards can market themselves to departments to which they wish to be transferred
*2 Internal recruitment system for new internal projects or to fill vacancies


Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group is committed to occupational health and safety management in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Policy provided below. Under this policy and commitment, we strive to ensure safe and secure workplaces for all employees.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
  1. Under our Corporate Code of Ethics and in line with the Labor Standards Act , the Industrial Safety and Health Act, other laws, internal regulations, and internal rules, we strive consistently to maintain workplace environments that place the highest priority on ensuring health and safety.
  2. We provide employees with sufficient education and training to ensure health and safety. With the cooperation of our employees, we conduct voluntary occupational health and safety activities and strive to improve the level of occupational health and safety management in the workplace through an ongoing PDCA cycle.
  3. We endeavor to prevent occupational accidents and health hazards by identifying and evaluating hazardous and harmful factors in the workplace. In this context, we conduct risk assessments and implement risk elimination and reduction measures according to risk levels.
  4. We provide occupational health and safety training on a recurring basis to ensure that employees are aware of and prioritize occupational health and safety. This recurring training is also designed to eliminate unsafe behavior and mistakes.
  5. We endeavor to protect mental health through stress checks and consistent follow-up, responding positively to employees with mental health problems and revitalizing communication in the workplace.
  6. We are building a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system in cooperation with local subcontractors, sharing and exchanging information with these workers.

Safety Education and Training

We conduct new-hire training for employees that covers the basics of occupational health and safety, as well as mental and physical health management .
Each production plant and other facilities provide recurring health and safety training, including training on work procedures and the prevention of work-related accidents. These trainings represent part of our efforts to eradicate unsafe behavior and raise employee awareness of health and safety.

Health and Safety Audits

We conduct audits of major work sites based on an annual audit plan to ensure compliance with laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety, to ensure compliance with internal rules, and to prevent occupational accidents and occupational illnesses. In this way, we provide guidance regarding compliance and improve risk factors.


Health Management

Health Information

Physical and mental health is essential for us to do our job that can earn customers' trust.

The ITOHAM YONEKYU Health Association encourages primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention based on a mental health plan, continues to improve specific health checkups and specific health guidance, conducts disease prevention programs (e.g., subsidies for epidemic vaccination costs, physical examinations, and cancer screenings), and offers exercise programs such as walking events for employees and their families.

We have also established a health care platform that encourages employees to visualize his or her own health status and to change behavior accordingly.

Mental Health

The ITOHAM YONEKYU Holdings Group created a group Mental Health Plan based on which we established a mental health promotion system that appoints a mental health representative from each human resources and labor division and formalizes our approach to mental health. We foster mental health through regular training and monthly plans for annual priority activities.

We partnered with PASONA safety NET to offer an employee assistance program . The Ask Anything consultation service is available 24 hours a day by phone or email for employees, their superiors, or their families to consult regarding work, home, or other private matters.

In addition to helping unwell employees, we endeavor for workplace improvements aimed at stimulating communication and increasing productivity in the workplace.
Through this series of initiatives, we work across regions and divisions to prevent and address issues.


Respect for Diversity

Rehiring Retirees

Companies and society benefit greatly when employees are willing to work after retirement and wish to continue to contribute to the company. Given this recognition, we confirm the willingness of regular and non-regular employees to continue employment until age 65 with one-year renewal periods. If the Company determines that the employee is willing to continue working and no obstacles appear to exist, we rehire the employee in question at age 65 and continue their employment until age 70, with recurring one-year renewals.
We try to accommodate employee wishes as much as possible, and we endeavor to be flexible in terms of work hours and days.

In addition to this system, the ITOHAM YONEKYU Group pursues employment measures to cope with the declining birthrate and aging population. These measures include hiring new employees who are over 60 years of age.

Promoting Non-Permanent Employees Qualified for Permanent Positions

The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group began a regular employee promotion system to promote non-regular employees to regular positions under the provisions of the revised Part-Time Employment Act (at the time). This system motivates non-regular employees to build their work skills and maintain motivation.
Under this system, non-regular employees who meet certain evaluation criteria receive a recommendation from their assigned departments. Based on the results of interviews and examinations, we promote these individuals to regular positions.

In addition to the regular employee promotion system, we have a system to promote outstanding and motivated employees who meet certain qualifications, depending on their expected roles. An example of this type of promotion is promoting an hourly-paid partner employee to a monthly-paid area employee.