Human Resources Development
We are committed to human resources development for the growth of each individual and the development of our organization.
The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group develops employees who think, act, and take on challenges independently. This approach supports expanding corporate value and fostering a corporate culture that encourages ambition and praise, as well as offering personal growth through work. In this process, we leverage on-the-job training (OJT), off-the-job training (group training, online training), and self-development support programs.
We provide off-the-job training opportunities for young employees, mid-career employees, and managers by seniority (role recognition and skills acquisition), by topic or issue, and by job description. We also offer voluntary training programs for employees, offering learning opportunities for employees who are highly motivated to develop professionally.
The Group offers a training system for basic behaviors to develop young employees and strengthen their engagement with work, the basis of being a member of society. We also provide on-the-job training for young employees through a mentoring system and other means in collaboration with the individual workplace.
A self-development support program encourages employees to take correspondence and outside courses. We also have a support system for acquiring certifications, which assists employees actively engaged on professional development. In these and other ways, we help employees who want to learn on their own.
Education and Training System
Reskilling Support
The ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS Group supports employees who wish to learn by themselves, providing learning opportunities and reimbursing a portion of course fees.
- Outside School
We provide learning opportunities at the GLOBIS Management School for students to learn anything from business fundamentals to practical business skills.
- Correspondence Courses
We offer correspondence courses in a variety of fields, including business skills, languages, work-related expertise, and certifications.
We offer a number of different courses, including textbooks and e-learning courses. Each employee chooses the course that is best for their situation.
- Support for Obtaining qualifications
We offer incentives for obtaining qualifications recommended by the Company to help individuals improve skills and work standards.
Female Leadership Training
It will be our people who support the further growth of our group, and we understand the essential nature of our valuable female employees playing an active role in our businesses.
The participation of more women in important roles and responsibilities, as well as their participation in management and business decision-making, will lead to increased corporate competitiveness and corporate value.
We continue to develop female leaders through the active recruitment of female employees, training for female employees, support for work-childcare/work-nursing care balance, the use of remote work, and systems to support ongoing employment (job return system, etc.).
Mentoring System Providing Systematic, Focused, and Continuing Development of New Employees in Every Workplace
We introduced a mentoring system to improve the abilities of new and young employees as quickly as possible so they are ready to contribute as professionals.
Under this system, each new employee is assigned one or more mentors. The mentor(s) act under the guidance of a superior in the role of training "producer" to provide systematic, focused, and continuing training and guidance to new employees in every workplace.
This system allows us to train new employees, from second-year employees to veterans. We will continue to build a solid foundation for human resources development that contributes to the continued growth of the Group. Our goal is to establish a perpetual cycle in which senior employees train junior employees in the workplace.
A New Job Challenge System for More Opportunities to Make a Difference
From a medium- to long-term perspective, we have employees participate in career interviews to set personal goals and a career vision together with their supervisors. We also implement job rotations to eliminate the negative effects of long-term service in the same department.
We introduced and improved the job challenge system, including internal free agents*1 and internal open recruitment*2 to encourage the use of motivated employees and expand opportunities.
*1 A system whereby employees who meet qualification standards can market themselves to departments to which they wish to be transferred
*2 Internal recruitment system for new internal projects or to fill vacancies