【参】IR Information





The ITOHAM YONEKYU Group Basic Approach

The ITOHAM YONEKYU Group will contribute towards the realization of a sustainable future based on the Group Philosophy of “Contribute to the realization of sound and affluent society through business.” To achieve this, we identified “seven materialities” and are working to address social issues through our businesses.

Sustainability Management System

In April 2021, we established the Sustainability Committee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. The purpose of the committee is to implement group-wide sustainability initiatives by addressing social issues and environmental issues while also achieving the Group's sustainable growth.

The five-member committee (including one independent outside director) deliberates on the following matters as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and provides advice and recommendations to the Board.

Matters Deliberated

1. Establish a basic policy for sustainability management; basic plans and strategies for sustainability activities
2. Formulate materiality for sustainability management
3. Establish KPIs for materiality and monitor progress

The Sustainability Committee met six times in FY2021 to discuss a wide range of topics, including materiality identification, human rights policy, procurement policy, supplier procurement guidelines, animal welfare policy, and climate change response.
In April 2022, we established the Sustainability Section, which collaborates with business divisions to help fulfill our social responsibilities through our businesses, enhance group value, and achieve sustainable growth.




Realizing healthy and affluent diet

Considering the environment

Creating a workplace where each employee can actively participate

Promoting sustainable procurement and stable supply

Contributing to local communities

Strengthening corporate governance

Pursuit of uncompromising flavor and high quality



The ITOHAM YONEKYU Group recognizes that preserving the global environment is one of the most important issues shared across the world and a management issue for the Group.
In particular, increasingly severe natural disasters, lower crop yields, and other climate change issues associated with global warming have a serious impact on our daily lives and business activities.
We continue to pursue environmental initiatives to do our part in solving these problems.



To realize healthy and affluent diets, we offer safe and secure products to customers through a comprehensive quality assurance system. At the same time, we endeavor to communicate the joy and pleasure of eating to our customers. As a conscientious corporate citizen, we value coexistence with society and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.
We continue to improve training programs for employees, who represent valuable corporate assets. We ensure safety, health, and a good work-life balance for employees, aiming to create workplace environments where employees can grow together with the company in a sustainable manner.

Governance (Corporate Governance)

We endeavor to solve social issues and earn stakeholder trust as part of our business, as reflected in our Group Philosophy, Vision, and Code of Conduct. To this end, we established a highly transparent management organization with supervision, monitoring, and other enhanced internal control functions to make accurate management decisions and execute business quickly.
Through this basic approach, we aim to achieve sustainable growth and enhance our corporate value over the medium to long term.


Stakeholder Engagement