
Privacy Policy


Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Group Privacy Policy


Article 1 Compliance with laws and other regulations regarding personal information

Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Group companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Group Companies;” please refer to the addresses and names of the representatives of each of the Group Companies in the Corporate Profile of Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Group) will properly handle personal information of customers, etc., in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations and guidelines, and in accordance with this policy.


Article 2 Purpose of use of personal information

The personal data held by the Group Companies and the purpose of use are as follows:

In addition, when the Group Companies collect personal information for purposes other than the following, such purpose of use shall be clearly indicated individually, and the content of such individual purpose of use shall take precedence over the following purpose of use.

1.    Information on purchasers, such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers, and information on purchasers and online shopping members, point program service members obtained through receipt of orders or inquiries, etc., from online shops, point program service, posting services, catalogs, newspaper advertisements, magazine advertisements, advertisements inserted into newspapers, posting services, etc., operated by the Group Companies operated by the Group Companies will be used for the following purposes:

For the shipment of products to customers, related after-sales services, and response to inquiries;

For customer information management and payment management;

For the distribution of e-mail magazines to members of the Group Companies’ online shops;

For sending catalogs and sales promotion leaflets to customers; and

For analyzing information on customers' purchase histories, etc. and distributing and sending information and catalogs on new products.

2.    Information of applicants, such as names and addresses, etc., obtained through application for consumer campaigns conducted by the Group Companies and joint campaigns led by the Group Companies, and conducted in collaboration with other companies, will be used for the following purposes:

For the lottery;

For sending products to winners; and

For analyzing information, such as the age group, etc., of applicants and producing statistical data that does not identify individuals.

3.    Personal information, such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers obtained by the Group Companies through marketing activities, such as the trial system, etc., will be used for the following purpose:

For obtaining opinions at the product development stage and conducting a questionnaire on taste comparison with other companies' products to utilize as a reference for product development.

4.    Recruitment information, such as names, obtained through submissions of applications to the Group Companies’ recruitment website and mailing of resumes, etc., will be used for the following purposes:

For examination with respect to employment and determination of whether to make an offer of employment, and for response to inquiries about employment; and

For personnel management, etc., following employment.

5.    Information of business partners, such as names, obtained in connection with the business with the Group Companies will be used for the following purposes:

For dealing with transactions and communicating with business partners; and

For the management of business partner information.

6.    Information of customer service users, such as names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers obtained through receipt of inquiries by the Group Companies' customer service center, will be used for the following purposes:

For conducting retrospective investigations of past data, and making telephone calls, e-mails, etc., in response to inquiries received from customers; and

For analyzing the content of customer inquiries, etc., and creating statistical data, that does not identify individuals, of the users of the customer service.

7.    Information of shareholders, such as names and addresses obtained from records in our company’s shareholder registry after the purchase of our company’ shares or receipt of inquiries regarding the shares of our company, will be used for the following purposes:

For responding to inquiries regarding shares;

For preparation and sending of documents addressed to shareholders, such as a notice in respect of the convocation of a general meeting of shareholders;

For sending shareholder benefits and responding to inquiries related thereto;

For sending gift set leaflets limited to shareholders and responding to inquiries related thereto; and

For sending gift sets limited to shareholders and responding to inquiries related thereto.

For implementing other measures for shareholders (questionnaires, etc.)

8.    Employee information, such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc. and information of family/relatives, etc. obtained from officers and employees (including temporary employees, part-time employees, technical interns, retirees, etc.) of the Group Companies, will be used for the following purposes:

For confirming basic information such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, etc. and using them for business communications; payment of salaries, etc.; determination and payment of various allowances; matters related to social insurance; provision of welfare; preparation of employee registrations; preparation of various ledgers; legal procedures; other procedures necessary for employment management; preparation of labor union membership registrations; and preparation of retirement OB membership registrations, etc.;

For confirming working conditions, bank accounts, etc. and using them for determination and payment of wages and bonuses, withholding procedures, matters related to social insurance, wage management such as check-off, legal procedures, other procedures necessary for employment management and procedures necessary for corporate pensions;

For confirming information on assets and liabilities such as household accounts, appraised value of real estate, non-wage income and debt information and using them for withholding procedures, wage management such as check-off, etc. and various procedures necessary for corporate pensions, etc.;

For confirming family and relative information such as the family structure of employees and using it for matters related to childcare and family-care leave, etc. and emergency contact information;

For checking physical and health information such as health status and mental health and using it to determine whether or not an employee is able to work, to decide on job aptitude, to decide personnel assignments and to manage health;

For confirming personnel information such as personnel evaluations and using it for personnel assignment decisions, education and training, etc.;

For checking camera images and audio data recorded on drive recorders installed in company vehicles and using them for accident response, recurrence prevention and employee education;

For conducting surveys on organization culture and improving organization culture;

For conducting surveys on compliance and responding to whistle-blowing;

For communications related to retirement procedures after retirement;

For setting and managing accounts for systems and information devices used within the Group Companies; and

For use in security training, etc. within the Group Companies.

9.        Camera images of officers, employees, business partners and other members of the Group Companies (hereinafter referred to as "Visitors") recorded on images of security camera, etc. at each of our Group Companies' business sites will be used for the following purpose:

For checking camera images and using them for crime prevention at the Group Companies’ business sites; and

For checking camera images and using them for confirmation in the event of an accident or incident.

10.      The facial recognition data of Visitors obtained through the thermometer installed at each of the Group Companies' business sites will be used for the following purpose:

For checking the body temperature of Visitors and using it to prevent infectious diseases such as by restricting entry.


Article 3 Security management measures

The Group Companies have taken appropriate security management measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information they have received.

1. Establishment of privacy policy

This policy has been established to inform data subjects about the management measures, contact point, and the purpose of use of personal information.

2. Establishment of internal rules

The Group Companies have established the internal rules for handling personal information which stipulate the appointment of managers and persons in charge of handling personal information, and handling of personal information such as the management, acquisition, use, disposal, etc. of personal information within the Group Companies.

3. Organizational security management measures

The Group Companies have appointed a chief privacy officer to supervise the handling of personal information of the Group Companies, as well as a person in charge of the management of personal information in each section to strive to ensure proper management of personal information.

The Group Companies regularly conduct internal verification for the management and operation method of the handling of personal information.

The Group Companies have established a system to promptly notify the Personal Information(including personal information that has been acquired or is about to be acquired that is planned to be treated as personal data) Protection Commission and to notify the person who is the data subject of the leaked data in the event of any leakage or risk of leakage of personal data held by the Group Companies.

4. Human security management measures

Employees are regularly trained in the management of personal information.

Employees shall submit a written pledge on personal information upon joining the Group Companies.

5. Physical security management measures

For personal computers and mobile phones, tablets, smartphones, and other portable devices, security measures such as authenticating passwords, iris, or fingerprints, etc. are taken.

Equipment, electronic media, documents, etc., that contain personal data other than personal computers and portable devices are stored in lockable cabinets, safes, etc.

The transfer of personal information outside the Group Companies is prohibited except for cases such as outsourcing, joint use, provision to a third party after obtaining the consent of the data subject, or relocation of the business site.

6. Technical security management measures

The Group Companies have introduced a system to protect mobile devices such as personal computers, mobile phones, tablets and smartphones, and in-house databases related to personal data from unauthorized access from outside and unauthorized software.

In order to prevent tampering with the input pages of each of the websites, we use IDS and IPS to detect unauthorized access and implement measures such as shutting down the system if detected. 

Article 4 Outsource

When outsourcing the processing of personal information to an outsourcee, conclusion of an agreement and investigation of implementing status, etc. to ensure the proper handling of personal information at the outsourcee have been conducted.


Article 5 Joint use

The Group Companies may jointly use the obtained personal information within the following scope:

In the event personal information obtained outside the scope of the following purpose of use will be jointly used, the Group Companies shall notify in advance of the purpose of such joint use.

1. Items and Purpose of Use of Personal Information to be Jointly Used

(1) Information on purchasers and online shopping members, point program service members obtained through receipt of orders or inquiries, etc., from online shops, point program service, posting services,  catalogs, newspaper advertisements, magazine advertisements, advertisements inserted into newspapers, posting services, etc., operated by the Group Companies Information on purchasers and online shopping members obtained through receipt of orders or inquiries, etc., from online shops, catalogs, newspaper advertisements, magazine advertisements, advertisements inserted into newspapers, posting services, etc., operated by the Group Companies

(a) Items of personal information

Name, address, e-mail address, phone number, etc.

(b) Purpose of use

As stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 1

(2) Recruitment information obtained through submissions of applications to the Group Companies’ recruitment website and mailing of resumes

(a) Items of personal Information

Name, address, academic background, etc.

(b) Purpose of use

As stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 4(3) Information of customer service user obtained through receipt of inquiries by the Group Companies' customer service center

(a) Items of personal Information

Name, e-mail address, phone number, etc.

(b) Purpose of use

As stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 6

(4)  Information of shareholders obtained from records in our company’s shareholder registry after the purchase of our company’s shares or receipt of inquiries regarding the shares of our company

(a) Items of personal information

Name, address, etc.

(b) Purpose of use

As stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 7(5)  Employee information and information of family/relatives, etc. obtained from officers and employees (including temporary employees, part-time employees, technical interns, retirees, etc.) of the Group Companies

(a) Items of personal information

Names, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

(b) Purpose of use

As stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 8

2. Scope of joint users

The Group Companies (including overseas subsidiaries)

Please refer to the List of Joint Users of Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Group for the Group Companies.

3. The name and address of the person responsible for the management of Personal Information, and the name of the representative

ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS INC. (Please refer to the Business Overview for the address of the company and name of the representative)


Article 6 Provision to a third party

The Group Companies may provide any personal information they received to a third party (including a third party in a foreign country). In this case, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, the Company shall obtain the prior consent of the data subject.

In the event that the Group Companies provide personal data to a third party in a foreign country (except in the event that it is not necessary to obtain consent from the data subject in accordance with laws and regulations), the name of the country in which the third party is located (in a foreign country), the system concerning the protection of personal information in the foreign country, and the measures for the protection of personal information taken by the third party are as follows.


Name of the foreign country

People's Republic of China

System for the protection of personal information

Please refer to the website(*) of the Personal Information Protection Commission.

Measures to protect personal information taken by the third party

The third party has taken all measures that correspond to the eight principles of the OECD Privacy Guidelines.



Name of the foreign country

United States (including Illinois)

System for the protection of personal information

Please refer to the website(*) of the Personal Information Protection Commission for the United States (Federal) and the United States (Illinois), respectively.

Measures to protect personal information taken by the third party

The third party has taken all measures that correspond to the eight principles of the OECD Privacy Guidelines.



Name of the foreign country

Kingdom of Thailand

System for the protection of personal information

Please refer to the website(*) of the Personal Information Protection Commission.

Measures to protect personal information taken by the third party

The third party has taken all measures that correspond to the eight principles of the OECD Privacy Guidelines.



Name of the foreign country

New Zealand

System for the protection of personal information

Please refer to the website(*) of the Personal Information Protection Commission.

Measures to protect personal information taken by the third party

The third party has taken all measures that correspond to the eight principles of the OECD Privacy Guidelines.

(*) available in Japanese


Article 7 About handling of cookies

Please refer to Cookie Policy for information on the handling of cookies acquired by The Group Companies.


Article 8 Contact point for inquiries and requests

For inquiries, request for disclosure, and any requests about personal information of the Group Companies, please contact Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc.

Contact point

ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS INC., Personal Information Contact Point

Alt Ito Building, 1-6-21, Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-8587, Japan

General Affairs Department, Administration Division, Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc.

TEL: +81-3-5723-8656 (09:00 to 17:45 excluding weekends, holidays and designated holidays)

Email: jnsomu@ihyq.co.jp