Medium-Term Management Plan 2026

Long-Term Management Strategy 2035 &
Medium-Term Management Plan 2026

The environment surrounding our group is expected to undergo significant changes that are difficult to predict due to factors such as changes in the macro environment due to demographic trends, soaring resource and energy prices, exchange rate fluctuations, and the impact of overseas situations.
Even under these circumstances, we would like to take a long-term perspective and continue to work together with all of our stakeholders to sustainably enhance corporate value. To this end, the company determined our 2035 Approach toward our group philosophy and vision.
 At the same time, we backcasted from our 2035 Approach to formulate Long-Term Management Strategy 2035, and reflected in the Medium-Term Management Plan 2026 based on the Long-Term strategy, which is the higher-level policy.


FY2035 Approach

The Group Slogan of our FY2035 approach is meat together.

[Quantitative Targets]
Ordinary Profit   50 billion Yen ROE 8.0% or higher,  ROIC 6.8% or higher



Reflecting on the Medium-Term Management Plan 2023

Reflecting on the Medium-Term Management Plan 2023 (“the previous Medium-Term Plan”) The quantitative targets (30 billion yen in ordinary profit and 6.8% ROIC) were not achieved. Although we steadily implemented various measures based on Priority Initiatives, we were unable to offset the higher-than-expected rise in raw materials costs through internal cost reductions and price revisions. In the previous Medium-Term Plan, we recognized that our issues were Clarifying our growth story through long-term strategy and Improve basic earnings power.

Initiatives in Long-Term Management Strategy 2035 and Medium-Term Management Plan 2026

Long-Term Management Strategy 2035

We will aim for dramatic growth through Growth Investments and Stable Improvement of Earning Power. And focus on Digital Transformation (“DX”) and Sustainability, we will strengthen the Management Base that supports growth.
Profit Expansion through Growth Investments

■ Maximizing the Value of Value Chains in Japan
    [Investment amount 100 billion yen, Investment effect 5 to 10 billion yen]

   Aim for a superior position in the industry to win in mature markets

   ・Relocate Processed food plants and Meat farms and optimize the location of Sales and Logistics bases

■ Accelerating Growth of Overseas Businesses and Expanding Into Growing Businesses
    [Investment amount 100 billion yen, Investment effect 5 to 10 billion yen]

   ・Invest in overseas and growth businesses to meet growing demand and increase profits

   ・Expand Frozen Foods Business and future food development to reduce food loss and
            ensure a stable supply of protein in the long term

Strengthen the Management Base

■ Efficiency and Transformation Through DX

The declining work force in Japan is an issue for the company also faces, and by using DX to solve this problem,
we achieve operational efficiency and sales improvement at the same time 

Obtain public certifications as a company-wide commitment

 ■ Sustainability 

・Contribute to sustainable societies through decarbonization, respect for human rights, and considerations
for animal welfare


Medium-Term Management Plan 2026

We will take the initiative to Improve Basic Earnings Power and use cash generated from operations for Stable Shareholder Returns and Growth Investments, which will lead to dramatic growth from the current medium-term plan onwards. 
Improve Basic Earnings Power

  【Processed Food Division】
    ・Increase sales through our strengths in marketing product lineups that meet diverse needs and our sales methods
                   that take advantage of this lineup

    ・Revise prices in response to external environments and continue to cut costs to recover profits as quickly as possible

  【Meat Division】
    ・Strengthen sales through our strengths in our nationwide sales network and the ANZCO Foods sales network
                   spanning throughout over the world

    ・Improve profit margins through value-added meat products and advancements in risk management

Strengthen the Management Base

  ■ Establishing a Sustainable Logistics System
    ・Establish a sustainable logistics system with external partners

    ・Work toward relocating facilities to streamline logistics and target a 10% improvement in truck loading rate
                 [stipulated by the government]

  ■ Human Capital Initiatives
    ・Drive sustainable growth by improving engagement through human resource development
                   and fostering a corporate culture

    ・Setting engagement score as a new KPI for materiality and Incorporate engagement score improvement
                   into executive compensation [60% engagement score in FY2026]

Financial Strategy
  ■ Shareholder Return
    ・Introduce dividend on equity ratio (DOE), which is less susceptible to performance fluctuations,
                   as a dividend indicator and emphasis on stable shareholder returns
                 [Progressive dividend at approximately 3% DOE]

    ・Interim dividend paid

  ■ Cash Flow Allocation
    ・Generate operating cash flow of 120 billion yen over three years of the current Medium-Term Plan,
                   which will be allocated to Shareholder returns of 30 billion yen, Growth investments of 55 to 80 billion yen,
                   and Renewal investments of 35 billion yen

  ■ Management Conscious of Capital Costs
    ・In the current Medium-Term Plan, we will work to Improve basic earnings power, Business management using ROIC
                 as an indicator, Pursue optimal financial leverage to increase ROE

    ・In the Long-Term Strategy, we will work to Profit Expansion through Growth Investments, Strengthen the Management                    Base that supports sustainable growth to improve future growth expectations


Quantitative Targets of the Medium-Term Management Plan 2023

We strive for ordinary profit of 30 billion yen in FY2026, the final year of this medium-term plan to respond in a timely manner to changes in the external environment, such as market conditions and raise basic earning power of the Company mainly through organic growth.

FY2023 results  FY2024 forecast FY2026 plan    
Net sales
      (billion yen)  
955.6 970.0 1,000.0
Ordinary profit
(billion yen)
26.0 26.5 30.0
Ordinary profit
Processed Food Div.
(billion yen)
9.1 9.5 12.0
Ordinary profit
Meat Div.
  (billion yen) 
18.1 18.5 20.0
5.6% 5.6% 6.2%
5.5% 5.5% 5.9%
Processed Food Div.
5.1% 5.2% 5.6%
 Meat Div.
8.0% 8.3% 8.7%

"Long-Term Management Strategy 2035" & "Medium-Term Management Plan 2026" Document Download