【参】IR Information

Notes on the Use of IR Information


With the exception of historical facts, the information published on this Website, including current plans, forecasts, strategy outlines, etc., represents estimates of future performance based on determinations made by Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc. on the basis of data currently available to us. Consequently, the user should bear in mind that no guarantees regarding future performance are implied and that the information provided is subject to risk and uncertainty. In addition, the investor relations information published on this Website is supplied for the purpose of providing investors with a deeper understanding of Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc. and is not intended as a solicitation to invest. Decisions to invest should be made by each individual on the basis of careful consideration. Scrupulous care has been taken when preparing the material appearing on the Website. However, Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc. assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by the user due to inaccuracies in the information published on the Website, unauthorized manipulation of data by third parties, problems downloading data, or the like.